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Hello everyone! Tomorrow marks 2 weeks that I’ve been at training camp in Georgia and let me tell you, it’s been a ride. These past two weeks have been so fruitful. I’ve met my amazing squad (J squad = best squad!) and am absolutely blown away by how on fire each one of my teammates are for the Lord. Throwing in 40+ young adults from all different backgrounds into one place can be difficult at times. We’re all at different points in our faith journey but the thing that blows me away is how all we really want is to grow closer to the Lord. We all have this hunger deep inside of us to love the Lord and grow in our understanding and knowledge in him. It’s beautiful to see and hear how the Lord uses our messy pasts to create these transformative testimonies that touch each person differently. I love my family that God has blessed me with for the next 9 months:)

The teachings I have heard in the last 2 weeks have really been life changing. They’ve pushed me in my faith with the Lord and for that I’m so grateful. One thing that I have always struggled with is comparison and the feeling of being not good enough. Despite being surrounded by my family who has never failed to show me their love for me, I struggled with feeling loved and wanted by others. This last week we had a teaching on our identity in Jesus. That was a hard session for me. When it’s hard to love yourself, it’s even harder to process and understand why the King of Kings would love me for who I am. But I realized something. If I keep believing and hearing the lies satan keeps shouting at me, how am I going to hear the whisper of God’s voice that tells me who I really am? How am I supposed to hear God’s voice telling me that I am the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13), that I am a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:18-19), or that I am righteous and holy(Ephesians 4:24)? If you struggle with the same feelings I do, it’s time we start filling our heads with the Truth. If I know that my God is the same God who does miracles, why do I believe that what he says about me is not true? So I encourage you to not only ask God who he says you are, but to also start believing it and live it out in your life. It may be hard at first, but remember, God is a gentleman. He’s going to meet you where you’re at and gently lead you to where he calls you to be. 

Let me leave you off with scripture I have been meditating on. Psalm 23 “The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along the right paths, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.”


5 responses to “training camp update!!”

  1. Faith- the previous message was supposed to have a heart. I do not know why it ended with a question mark! Sorry about that!

  2. Your growth is amazing. I struggle with the same thing, controlling my thoughts. Satan tells us so many lies that eat away at our faith a little at a time. I’m praying for strength for you to continue fighting the devils plan

  3. Love it. Encouraging. The struggle is real! And the Lord’s love and word the antidote. Heard Christine Caine said this week… and I am paraphrasing… its going to take the same faith to believe what the Bible says than what its going to take to believe what the world say. So thankful the Lord has given me the opportunity to walk this path with you and Squad J!

  4. This is good Faith. I am so appreciative of you sharing this. Also appreciative that the Lord is revealing how much he loves you! I think this quote is pure gold, “But I realized something. If I keep believing and hearing the lies satan keeps shouting at me, how am I going to hear the whisper of God’s voice that tells me who I really am?” Love it!

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